Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Noun & its Kinds

Noun & its Kinds

A noun is the name of a living creature, place, thing, or any abstract.
E.g. - Rahul, Riya, table, honesty, gold, army etc.
  1. Anu is a good girl.                (Living creature)
  2. Jaipur is a beautiful city.    (Name of place)
  3. My ring is made of gold.     (Name of an object)
  4. She is known for her goodness.   (Quality)

Kinds of Noun:

1) Proper Noun.             
2) Common Noun 
3) Collective Noun 
4) Material Noun
5) Abstract Nou


1) Proper Noun-

A Proper Noun is the name of a living creature, place, or thing.

Ex-  Manoj, Radha, Jaipur, Diwali, etc.
  1. Rahul is a good boy.
  2. The Ganga is a holy river.
  3. Delhi is the capital of India.
  4. Today is Wednesday.
  •  The first letter of Proper noun is always in the capital.
  •  Proper Noun is always used in singular number.

2) Common Noun-

A common noun is a name given in common to every person, place, or thing of the same class (shows class not a particular person, place, or thing).
E..g- Boy, cow, horse, pencil, table, etc.
  1. The boys are playing.
  2. He gave me a book
  3. That girl is intelligent.
  4. The birds are flying.

3)Collective Noun-

A Collective Noun is the name of a number of collections of person, place, or thing. This type of noun is used to show a group (either a living creature or a thing).

E.g.- Class, army, family, crowd, team, etc. 
  1. Our team won the match.            
  2. There are fifty students in my class.
  3. There are six members in my family.                             

4)Material Noun-

The material noun denotes the matter or substance of which things are made.
E.g.- water, oil, gold, silver, stone, etc.
  1. My ring is made of gold.          
  2. Wires are made of copper.       
  3. We get wood from the tree.    
  4. The cow gives us milk.             

5)Abstract Noun-

An Abstract Noun is a quality, a state, an idea, or an action.
Quality- beauty, honesty, wisdom, etc.
State- youth, freedom, etc.
Action- revenge, judgment, etc.
Subject name - Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Music, History, etc.
(Subject name is counted in abstract noun because we can't touch them can't see them.) 

  1. Honesty is the best policy.    
  2. Wisdom is better than strength.
  3. He is angry with me.             
  4. Chemistry is a difficult subject.


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